Club Membership Questions

Have you got a question that we have not answered on our website? Please direct all membership questions to our Facebook Page Messenger for a speedy reply! Alternativley you can email


The committee as elected at the 2024 AGM are as follows:

Vice PresidentEnzo
Secretary (including Membership)Matt
Boating OfficerJack
Equipment OfficerStephen
Information OfficerPeter
General MemberBryce Simmons, Daoqiong XiongN/A

COVID-19 Risk Mitigation

COVID continues to be present in the community. As a club member you can mitigate the risk of COVID-19 to yourself and fellow club members by ensuring you are vaccinated when attending the club or partaking in club activities. We have also implemented hygiene measures under advise from SA Health. These include:

  •     The availability of hand sanitiser
  •     The recommendation for divers to gear up as independently as possible
  •     The recommendation for divers not to share regulators on the same dive except in emergencies


The constitution was adopted as a special general meeting (SGM) held at Adelaide University Scuba Diving Club premises on 5th May, 2016.

Code of Conduct

Acceptance to the Club’s Code of Conduct is required for membership and ongoing participation in activities.

Club Definition Policy

Defines the AUSC’s information/details

Certificate of Incorporation

Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name

Safety and Risk Management

AUSC strives for open reporting of incidences and keeps a register to track trends over time. We also conducts annual risk management auditing.

All incidents, whether someone got hurt, equipment damage, or simply a near miss, should be reported immediately to the person coordinating the activity. Club members can also chose to report incidents directly to the committee through our online incident reporting system.

For up-to-date information on public liability insurance , product liability insurance,  professional indemnity insurance, marine insurance, and personal accident cover please head over to

Please see below for our Risk Management Plan and Marine Insurance Claim Form: